A safe place ...? (2)

Safety can't be coerced, bought nor begged. You might think otherwise when  we find so many efforts from external  sources to proclaim they work for  our safety. When there are so many ads about how to buy the best security system. And when you see so many abdicating their responsibility for their own safety. And it is this last point the most important one. Safety is an individual responsibility. 

No matter what anyone does, how good a safety system is, how many weapons surround us, is up to us individually to keep ourselves safe.  When we abdicate this responsibility by not taking care of our health and property, not screening our surroundings, not practicing common sense in our choices and acting carelessly and in a reckless manner the consequences will follow and we'll have to share the responsibility of those actions or in-actions.  

It's so easy to play the blame game. To assume the victim posture. Isn't it  more courageous to stop playing both the blame and the victim, and take action to learn? Learn what? That no matter the amount of effort others make, or how good are the weapons we may  have, no matter how many signs or laws are declared and proclaimed. It is up to me, to you,  to make our lives  and environment a safe one.  What do you think?



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